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Market & Customer Research

How Many Questions Should I Ask On A Survey?

By August 20, 2021February 27th, 2023No Comments

How your survey is structured is really, really important

While there isn’t a magic number of user survey questions you should be abiding by, here are 3 essential rules you should follow when writing survey questions. These ensure that your survey is easy to follow and complete AND the results provide you with the information you need.

First, before sending out a survey, you need to know how to use the answer to each question. If an answer won’t be directly useful to you, you don’t need to include it. If age, profession, location aren’t useful to you, there’s no reason to include it in your customer survey.

Now, you’re sitting down to write your survey. The number 1 thing to remember is that closed-ended questions are easier to answer. Only include open-ended questions if you absolutely have to.

Next, think about structuring your survey. Break it up into different pages that help filter people and send them to the right follow-up questions.

Want more tips? Watch the video to the end!

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